Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Even intense passion, in order to be consummated, is subject to stimuli. Anyway, this time, now that I seem to have decided to write here at times, I want to enjoy the process (without fancy masks). Want it to be interactive as well. I am told I can let go of an insecurity of being ignored by the universe, for there are a couple of assured readers atleast. I don't (want to) know whether I write good english or not, but yes it seemed I had meticulously built a library of difficult words which I often used to impress people (many of whom were impressed because they didn't understand anything). After a point of time, my poor soul became destitute. So I enrolled myself into this rehabilitation programme for the resurrection of the same. It is working it seems, for now I pretty much enjoy conversing with modest alphabets in various permutation and combinations. Sometimes this over-simplicity results in wrong english (which doesn't matter). But I enjoy the habit of talking (a little thinking before doing that helps at times). Enjoy. That is what I enjoy. As I write this, I feel pure. That's the reason I'm writing. To feel pure. Not to manufacture impenetrable walls. I'd very much prefer a sieve - Thank you.

This time, its not the english. Not the brick walls, but about the habit of talking...and simply, very simply. Even intense passion, in order to be consummated, is subject to stimuli.

How nice it feels.

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